Cornelius' Meditations

I often find it hard to pay attention to what I pay attention to. This page is created to remind myself the things that I am focusing on right now in life.

Last updated: 2024/9/3


《房思琪的初恋乐园》 林奕含 著 (Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise by Lin Yi-han)

《跨越边界的社区:北京“浙江村”的生活史》 项飙 著 (Transcending Boundaries: Zhejiangcun: The Story Of A Migrant Village In Beijing by Xiang Biao)

『日本語』 金田一 春彦 著 (The Japanese Language by Haruhiko Kindaichi)

『学問のすゝめ』 福澤 諭吉 著(An Encouragement of Learning by Fukuzawa Yukichi)


September 2024: 1/20 blog posts

Learning Japanese

『TRY! 日本語能力試験N3 文法から伸ばす日本語』: 3/22 texts recited